Our Blog

Orthodontic Treatment Time

June 10th, 2023

Patients always want to know how long treatment will take or "how much longer" until braces come off. We understand - we are excited to see your finished, beautiful smile too! Your smile is unique, so your orthodontic treatment time will also depend on your specific treatment needs. On average, orthodontic treatment is typically around…
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Say No to Candy!

May 5th, 2023

Congratulations on starting your orthodontic treatment at Barden Orthodontics! With braces it is especially important to practice good oral hygiene during your treatment to prevent cavities, white spots, gum disease, and tooth decay. You should continue brushing and flossing on a regular basis throughout your treatment at Barden Orthodontics. This means brushing for two minutes,…
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Spring is in the air at Barden Orthodontics!

April 7th, 2023

As the weather (finally!) gets warmer, patients and their families are enjoying more time outside.  This includes more time playing outdoor sports such as soccer, baseball, softball, and lacrosse.  We want to remind everyone that wearing a mouth guard is essential to protect your teeth and jaw from damage in a sport-related accident or facial…
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Early Indicators of Orthodontic Issues

March 3rd, 2023

When people think about the need for orthodontics they first think about straightening crooked teeth. Did you know that there are a number of other reasons to visit an orthodontist?  If you are wondering if you or your child might have need for orthodontic care, here are some of the most common indicators of potential…
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